Clan System

Early Japan was divided into clans, which were families who were related by blood or marriage. Each member practiced Shinto, a form of ancestral worship. They believed that the spirit of their ancestors still lived in the village. They prayed to it for help and guidance. The clan chief served as a religious and military leader. Each clan was led by a few powerful nobles. They were the only people in Japan known by both their family names and an individual name. Most clan members were farmers or hunters. At the same time, some were enslaved. These slaves were forced to cook and clean for their masters.The clans often fought each other for land. This was because land was the main source of wealth and power, since very little was available for cultivation. One clan that stood out was the Yamato clan. They were known for their bravery in battle and amazing fighting skills. The members of the Yamato clan, from central Japan, thought that they were descendants of the sun goddess. Therefore, they declared themselves the most powerful clan. The first emperors of Japan came from this clan. However, military leaders held most of the power in Japan. For this reason, rivals within the Yamato clan fought each other this position. Clans still owned their land, but owed their loyalty to the Yamato clan.